About us
Immerse yourself in Poncelet’s rich and exciting heritage, forged from its humble beginnings in 1932. From the manufacture of wooden propellers for aviation to molded wooden boats, every step of our journey is a testament to innovation, determination and a love of craftsmanship.
The Belgian Boat, a promise
Since 1932, Poncelet boats have been the reflection of our values: the skill and creativity of our craftsmen, the choice and selection of materials, the strict manufacturing procedure inherited from aviation, the specific tooling updated according to new technologies, and the special attention to detail.
This rigorous manufacturing method applied to every Poncelet boat gives them the status of unique works of art.

Design, a personalized approach
With the help of top naval architects, the Poncelet design office is responsible for the styling and development of all Poncelet boats.
These same designers will work with you to configure your boat to meet your exact requirements. From the motorization, to the choice of fabrics and stitching, to the color tone of the hull, the design studio accompanies you so that your boat is tailor-made to your measurements.

If you’d like to find out more about us, take a look at our book :
Since 1932
At Poncelet, our values are rooted in the very essence of our history. A passion for boating guides our every step.
Paul Poncelet
Born of Paul Poncelet’s entrepreneurial drive, Ateliers Poncelet was established in Evere (Brussels), initially in the aviation sector (manufacturing wooden propellers), before moving into the nautical sector a few years later.
Albert Poncelet
Supported by his wife Denise, Albert Poncelet takes over the management of his father’s company with great bravura. He revitalized the company to such an extent that the Poncelet boat became a must-have among aesthetes and water sports enthusiasts, such as His Majesty King Albert II of Belgium.
The V-shaped hull
To optimize the maneuverability and speed of Poncelet boats, the V-shaped hull appears on the entire Poncelet range, the fruit of Albert Poncelet’s experience and creative talent.
The V-shaped hull will enable Poncelet boats to consolidate their reputation for efficiency through swell and squall.
From 450 to 620
From the sportiest to the most comfortable, equipped with outboard or inboard motors, the Poncelet range expands to meet the expectations of the most demanding customers.
Roger Poncelet
Heir to the genius of his father and grandfather, and keen to preserve the Poncelet heritage, Roger focuses on the restoration of boats and aircraft propellers from the Ateliers Poncelet.
In 2013, Roger Poncelet passed the torch to Marc Deltenre, a successful Belgian entrepreneur. Passionate about boating, Marc is committed to preserving this national heritage, and over the years has forged a reputation as an outstanding naval cabinetmaker.
In 2022, he surrounded himself with the expertise of engineer Tom de Fabribeckers, and the sensitivity of designer Louis de Fabribeckers, to create the exclusive new range of Poncelet boats.
The shipyard
The new Poncelet shipyard is located in Fleurus, at the heart of Wallonia’s economic activity and less than 1 km from Brussel South Charleroi international airport. Where traditional processes are combined with the most modern technologies.

The team
Behind every restoration, every crafted boat, is our dedicated team. Passionate and skilled, they share a love of craftsmanship and the preservation of our maritime heritage.
Strategy & Restoration
Marc Deltenre
Marc Deltenre began his entrepreneurial career in 1976. He joined the team of a family-owned small business specializing in the manufacture of display labels.
Over the years, and thanks to his passion for technology, he modernized and transformed the small family business into the Belgian leader in supermarket signage. In 2007, he put his repeated successes to work for the Poncelet universe.
Operation & Production
Tom de Fabribeckers
An electro-mechanical engineer by training, Tom is above all curious and passionate about technology.
After a first life in industrial engineering, he chose to make his passion… his profession.
In the shipyard workshop, he enjoys designing solutions to technical challenges, and making the parts that put them into practice.
Design & Communication
Louis de Fabribeckers
Belgian designer Louis de Fabribeckers is internationally recognized in the automotive industry. As head of design at Touring Superleggera in Milan, he is the creator of many iconic cars.
In 2022, after more than 20 years in automotive design, he decided to put his knowledge of luxury to good use for a company close to his heart: Poncelet.

Need more information ?
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to answer your questions and offer you the best possible service. We look forward to hearing from you.
Nos valeurs
Chez Poncelet, nos valeurs sont ancrées dans l’essence même de notre histoire. La passion pour la navigation guident chacun de nos pas.
La qualité
La qualité est le maître mot des fabrications Poncelet.
Un soin particulier est apporté au choix des matériaux, à la finition des produits, aux attentes du client.
La tradition
Poncelet fait partie des derniers producteurs de bateaux de plaisance à moteur dotés d’une coque en bois. Le processus de fabrication de la coque en bois moulé Poncelet (double bordé acajou en diagonale sur membrures frêne) est à lui seul un secret qui se doit d’être conservé.
Les bateaux Poncelet se caractérisent par légèreté, maniabilité, vitesse sans jamais mettre la sécurité de côté. Ces caractéristiques garantissent un maximum de plaisir pour ses utilisateurs.
Le plaisir
En ligne avec l’esprit des fondateurs de l’entreprise, Poncelet se présente aujourd’hui comme une entreprise dynamique à la recherche de nouvelles techniques et nouvelles technologies afin d’offrir à une nouvelle génération de clients des produits Poncelet offrant des sensations uniques.